The Fine Art Society, London, has most generously given its permission to use information, images, and text from its catalogues in the Victorian Web. This generosity has led to the creation of hundreds and hundreds of the site's most valuable documents on painting, drawing, sculpture, furniture, textiles, ceramics, glass, metalwork, and the people who created them. The copyright on text and images from their catalogues remains, of course, with the Fine Art Society. [GPL]
Charles Bevan was born in the late 1820s and surfaced in 1865 as a funniture designer and manufacturer. Little is known of his life although his furniture is mentioned with appreciation in cstalogues and periodicals. Three London addresses are recorded 1865-6 at 66 Margaret Street 1866-72 at 46 Bemers Street and 1872-83 at 100 High Holborn. He made designs for Marsh & Jones of Leeds including a suite of furniture for Titus Salt (now in Leeds City Art Galleries Temple Newsam House) Lamb of Manchester, Holland & Sons, and Gillows. In 1872 Bevan took his son George Alfred into portnership and from then onwords the firm was known as 'C Bevan & Son Designers Wood Carvers and Monufacturers of Art Furniture'. Stylistically the fumiture is close to Seddon's and it seems possible that before establishing his own firm Bevan worked with J P Seddon or for Seddon & Co. of South Molton Street. It is perhaps significant that furniture in the elaborately ornomented Gothic style typical of both Seddon and Bevan was mode by Seddon & Co. in collaboration with Kendall & Co. of Leeds the firm which was taken over by Marsh & Jones in 1864. — Architect-Designers from Pugin to Mackintosh

Architect-Designers from Pugin to Mackintosh. Exhibition catalogue. London: The Fine Art Society with Haslam & Whiteway Ltd., 1981.

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