e welcome contributions on Morris, his associates, and their influence in relation to material culture: the Arts and Crafts movement, the portrayal of objects and environments in literature, and the meanings ascribed to “things.” In addition to seeking new approaches to the work of Morris and his circle in the book arts, stained glass, textiles, architecture, and landscape design, we seek reevaluations of materiality and concrete symbolism within Pre-Raphaelite writings more broadly as reflective of beliefs about identity, permanence, and change. Contributions on Morrisian and Arts and Crafts-related Canadian material culture are especially welcome. Please send abstracts and a brief c.v by March 15 to jnixon@salemstate.edu and florence-boos@uiowa.edu.
Art and Smoke: Ruskin, Morris, Art, and Industrialism
Both John Ruskin and William Morris decried the evil effects of industrial blight on the environment, citing the impossibility of authentic art in the context of poverty and pollution. We seek papers that treat all aspects of this topic as reflected in literature, art, and social theory: broadened definitions of art, late-Victorian and modernist responses to urban industrialism, art for the masses, eco-socialism, utopian otherworlds, and the rise of urban design. Contributions on Canadian-related and contemporary material are also welcome. Please send abstracts and a brief c.v by March 15 to jnixon@salemstate.edu and florence-boos@uiowa.edu.
For more information about the William Morris Society in the United States go to: https://morrissociety.org/
Created 25 February 2025