Billingsgate Market. Sir Horace Jones. 1874-1877. Lower Thames Street, London EC3. As City Architect, Jones had already built Smithfield Market and would later build Leadenhall Market as well. This fish market building on the Thames, still sporting golden dolphins on its weathervanes, replaced the previous Italianate fish market designed by J. Bunning in the 1850s — which had quickly "proved inadequate for the ever-increasing trade" (Weinreb et al. 69). Jones's structure too was eventually to prove impractical: the fish market moved to the Isle of Dogs in 1982, allowing its old premises here to be reinvented as a glamorous corporate events venue. Photograph and caption by Jacqueline Banerjee, 2009.
Related Material
Weinreb, Ben, et al. The London Encyclopaedia. 3rd ed. London: Macmillan, 2008.
Last modified 15 April 2012