Sir Rowland Hill (1795-1879),” by William Theed (1804-1891). 1881. Marble, on a square red marble pedestal. Sculpture Hall, Manchester Town Hall. Sir Rowland Hill, famous as founder of the Penny Post, had no particular connection with Manchester; it was just one of a number of cities that decided to honour him in this way (see Wyke 43-44).

Related Material
- The Penny Post
- The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing
- Statue of Hill by Onslow Ford
- Statue of Hill by Sir Thomas Brock
- Photograph of Hill
Photograph, text, and formatting by Jacqueline Banerjee. [Background has been digitally removed. Since copyright in the photograph has been assigned to Manchester City Council, it should not be reproduced without their permission. Click on the image to enlarge it.]
Information plaque beside the statue.
Wyke, Terry, with Harry Cocks. Sculpture of Greater Manchester. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2004.
Last modified 21 March 2012