The Deposition. Designed by G. E. Street [?]. St. Mary Magdalene in Paddington. According to Father Stephenson's history of the church and its decorations, the eight roundels depicting Stations of the Cross "were never intended for devotional use, but to ensure that this Church would always contain signs of Catholic [i.e. High Church Ritualist] devotion. The controversy caused” by the growth of the Oxford Movement was as yet still in its early stages and these eight Stations were incorporated into the structure of the building itself as a safeguard — should things happen at any time go against the Catholic party and some future Bishop of London order Stations of the Cross to be removed from all Churches, the then Vicar would be able to go to him with hammer and chisel and invite him to knock the place down himself!"

Photograph 2009 and text by George P. Landow [You may use this image without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the photographer and (2) link your document to this URL.]
"Stations of the Cross." Wikipedia. Viewed 19 September 2009.
Stephenson, Father Michael. St. Mary Magdalene in Paddington 1865-2078. A Historical Guide. Available in the church. 20 pp.
A Walk around St. Mary Magdalene Church. Spring 2009. 4 pp. Available in the church.
Last modified 18 September 2009