

Frederick W. Pomeroy, R.A., 1856-1924



82 inches

National Museum of Wales, Cardiff

  • The sculpture on display in Italy, at the Preraffaelliti Rinascimento Moderno [Pre-Raphaelites Modern Renaissance] exhibition at the San Domenico Museum, Forli from February 24 - June 30, 2024
  • "The life-size plaster was exhibited Royal Academy, 1898 and this version was exhibited Fine Art Society, 1902. The nude Perseus, not unrelated to that of A. Gilbert of 1882 holds a sword the hilt of which consists of a miniature representation of Andromeda and the monster, Andromeda appearing to be based on Brock's 'Eve', and on his helmet a figure of his own steed Pegasus. Just as Brock had worked under and for Leighton on the Athlete and Python, so Pomeroy worked for him when the Copenhagen Glyptothek asked for a marble version, which was duly carried out by Pomeroy in white marble." — Lavinia Handley-Read, Victorian and Edwardian Decorative Art, p. 111.