Funerary monument to Dr Gottlieb William Leitner (1840-1899). Brookwood Cemetery, Cemetery Pales, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey, Greater London. [Click on images to enlarge them.]
According to the British Listed Buildings site, Leitner, a “linguist specialising in oriental languages” born in Budapest, taught at King's College London and “founded numerous establishments of learning in the Indian sub-continent, including Lahore University. He founded the Oriental Institute at Woking as a place of learning these languages for colonial administrators: as a result, Britain's first mosque was opened in Woking.”
Photographs and caption by Robert Freidus reproduced here by kind permission of Brookwood Cemetery. Formatting by George P. Landow. [You may use these images without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the Victorian Web and (2) link your document to this URL in a web document or cite it in a print one.]
“Tomb of Dr Gottlieb William Leitner 1840 to 1899, Woking.” British Listed Buildings. Web. September 11 2012.
Last modified 20 July 2013