Directions: (1) Click on image to begin rotation. (2) To control the statue’s rotation, place your cursor on the image and move it in the direction you want it to turn.

Robert Brough. Francis Derwent Wood, R.A. (1871-1926). Bronze. 13 inches. Private Collection. Signed "F. Derwent Wood 1904."
Brough, a friend of Wood and John Singer Sargent, was a young painter killed in a railroad accident. After his death, Sargent finished his canvases to help his mistress and child financially.
Photograph June 2019 with Nikon 7000 with 60 mm. 1:2.8 Macro Nikkor by George P. Landow; Rotating image created with Boxshot VR.
Last modified 7 June 2019