Biographical and Introductory Material
- A Brief Introduction
- Biography (from The Dictionary of National Biography [1921])
- A Brief Chronology
- The Nature of Pleasure
- The Pleasure of Conceit: Hope, Memory, and Imagination
- The Imagination as the "hidden automatic working" of the mind
- The Hidden Soul, or, the unknown, unconscious action of the mind
- Contra Schiller and Kant on Beauty
- The Fundamental Error in Coleridge's definitions of Science and the Arts
On Literature
- On the Greatness of John Milton
- "A continual handling of pitch, in order to see how well it can be washed off" — the Morality of Richardson's Pamela
- The Problem with Richardson's Narrative Method
- "All This Cant of Finding God in the Material and Not in the Moral World"
- "Wordsworthian Misanthropy" and the Opposition between Nature and Humanity
- On Eliot's Silas Marner
- On Tennyson's Enoch Arden
On Women in Literature and Society
- Lady Audley's Secret
- On the feminine influence pervading current literature
- On Nightingale's Notes on Nursing
- On Parkes's Essays on Woman's Work
On the Visual, Plastic and Performing Arts
- Ruskin's Responsibility for the Broad Acceptance of Painting
- Hogarth and the Creation of a British School of Painting
- Two Obituaries of John Leech
- On Pottery
- On the Drama
On Media and Communications
- Information Technologies and Political and Social Power
- On the Periodical Press
- On the Principle of Anonymity
- On the Character of Oratory
- Dallas on the "deluge of fiction"
On Things Scottish
- "Student Life in Scotland"
- Leading article on the report of the Scottish Lunacy Commission
- Review of John Hill Burton's The Scot Abroad
- Dallas on Campbell's Popular Tales of the West Highlands
Reporting from Paris
- At the Opening of the Great French Exhibition in April 1867
- Arrival at the Beginning of the Franco-Prussian War in August 1870
- Under the Commune in late March 1871
- Farewell at the End of a Revolutionary Year in September 1871
- Dallas, Matthew Arnold, & the Main Characteristics of the Victorian Age
- E. S. Dallas's Criticism of Matthew Arnold on Criticism
- Venice as a Model for Victorian England
- Dallas on the Meaning of Nature and Natural
- Dallas on Trollope's The West Indies and the Spanish Main
- Dallas on Salad, from Kettner's Book of the Table
Dallas, Eneas Sweetland. The Gay Science. 2 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1866. A HathiTrust online version of a copy in the Harvard University Library. Web. 12 May 2022.
Dallas, Eneas Sweetland. The Gay Science. Edited by Graham Law and Jenny Bourne Taylor, Ebook in PDF format published January 2024. URL: https://glaw.w.waseda.jp/ESD-GS/ESD-GS.pdf. (In addition to a fresh and careful re-setting of Dallas's text, this new scholarly edition includes: an introduction discussing "The Range and Originality of the Argument," as well as "The Composition and Compilation of the Text" and "The Publication and Reception of the Book"; a detailed chronology of the author's life; a listing of all his known publications; and endnotes tracing the complex intertextual relations between The Gay Science and Dallas's earlier work.)
Law, Graham. The Periodical Press Revolution. E.S. Dallas and the Nineteenth Century British Media System. Routledge Research in Journalism. London: Routledge, 2024. [Review by Martin Hewitt.]
Created 20 May 2022
Last modified 1 February 2024