
Sleigh studied at Birmingham School of Art under Edward R. Taylor, joining the staff in 1893 at the same time as Charles Gere. Like other members of the Birmingham Group, with whom he exhibited at The Fine Art Society in 1907, Sleigh was involved in many crafts — book illustration, mural painting, stained glass design, embroidery, etc. — and was involved with various decorative schemes such as those at the Clarion Café in Market Street, Manchester, and the Unitarian Memorial Church, Liscard. — The Fine Art Society Story. Part I



The Fine Art Society Story. Part I. London: The Fine Art Society, 2001.

Nahum, Peter, and Sally Burgess. Pre-Raphaelite-Symbolist-Visionary. London: Peter Nahum at Leicester Galleries.

The Studio, [London] 14 (1898): 10-15.

Last modified 26 March 2002