Watercolours and Drawings
- View of Naples
- Mrs John Paget
- Princess Beratrice of Battenberg
- Their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Hrelena and Louise
- The Archimandrite Nikandros
- Relief from bronze Hydria
- Scene from The Children of the New Forest
Related Material
- (Ann) Mary Newton: A brief life
- From Spanish Steps to Munstead Wood (about the Severn family and its connections)
- Oil paintings (sitemap)
Brown, Sue. Joseph Severn, A Life: The Rewards of Friendship. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Fowler, Rowena. "Newton [née Severn], (Ann) Mary (1832–1866), painter." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Online ed. Web. 8 January 2020.
Sharp, William. Preface. The Life and Letters of Joseph Severn. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1892. pp.v-xvi. Internet Archive. Contributed by Cornell University ibraries. Web. 5 January 2020.
Created 10 January 2020