1850 born 29 september Providencem Rhode Island, USA.

1872 BA Brown University. Harvard University Masters. works as Lawyer in New York

1877 moves to Chicago. Begins to paint (autodidact)

1878 moves to England. Attends South Kensington Art School, private Art School of Mr. Heatherly, London

1879 moves to Paris. Attends Académie Julian and the Art Academy in Düsseldorf, Germany

1880 moves to Mesdag in The Haque, the Netherlands. Marries Henriette Walker Richardson in London.

1883 travels through Europe

1884 moves to Egmond aan Zee

1886 creates a studio in Egmond aan Zee

1887 first success at the Paris Salon

1890 founds his Art School in Egmond

1893 buys Schuijlenburg in Egmond aan den Hoef, centre of his Art School

1895 divorces Henriette Walker Richarson in July.

1905 marries English painter Cecil Jay Dover in August; winters in Paris and lives summers on his houseboot The Tulip in The Netherlands

1913 dies 2 August in the harbor of Marken, the Netherlands.


van den Berg, Peter J. H., De uitdaging van het licht [The Challenge of the Light]. Egmond-Binnen: Bahlmond Publishers, 2009.

Last modified 16 July 2009