"Thou art unto them as a very lovely song..."

Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale, ROI, RWS 1872-1945

After the Original Water-colour in the Collection of Miss Evans

1899-1901 signed with monogram

Dimensions unknown

Present whereabouts unknown

Source: Sparrow 127 (but wrongly titled there as "He married a Wife")

The scene inside the church or chapel is full of drama: the forcefully gesticulating minister, leaning over the edge of the pulpit, the woman fingering her necklace with a meditative expression, the man in the foreground looking wryly thoughtful, and the man behind them with his gaze bent on the woman and his hand, it seems, somehow between them.... It looks as if there is trouble ahead. Knowing the proper title is helpful here: see commentary below. [Mouse over the text for links.]