Music, entertainment, and social class
- "Home Sweet Home," class, and audience
- Class division in the audience for opera
- The piano and middle-class prosperity
- Blackface minstrel shows and racism
- Diverse class character of its minstrel show audience
- Working class access to middle- and upper-class music
- Music and temperance groups
- Brass bands and the diffusion of middle-class culture
- The Elementary Education Act of 1870 and music for the masses
- Ticket prices used to produce class hierarchy of concerts
- By 1865 London's concert life entirely professional
- Post-1850 distinction between art music and popular music
- 'Higher class of music' identified with Austro-German tradition
- Late-Victorian devaluation of performance by middle-class women and working-class bands and choruses
- The Development of Leisure in Britain, 1700-1850
- The Development of Leisure in Britain after 1850
- The Crystal Palace International Exhibition of 1851
Performance venues
- Hanover Square Rooms vs. hurdy-gurdies in the streets
- Pleasure gardens — Marylebone, Vauxhall, Ranelagh
- Varieties of musical theater
- Eighteenth-century Taverns and Tea Houses
- Penny Gaffs
- Music Halls
last modified 11 June 2012