Thomas Hart, the creator of "A World Wide Web Page for the Early Modern Era," which largely concerns G. B. Shaw and philosophical opposition to Darwinism, did his undergraduate work at George Washington University, where he studied English literature and minored in Classics. He received an M.A. in English Literature from George Washington university, where he wrote his M.A. thesis on Bernard Shaw's evolutionary plays. In between finishing his B.A., in 1970, and starting work on the Ph.D., in 1988, he worked for the General Services Administration, and in a variety of jobs ranging from computer sales to technical writing. He earned his doctorate at Catholic University, and continued his work on Shaw's evolutionary dramas. He was a teaching assistant at Catholic University, from 1988 till 1990, and was concurrently employed as a technical writer doing documentation for the Environmental Protective Agency. He is currently employed as an outside contractor doing technical writing for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
His academic interests are primarily the relations of science, literature, and religion. His current interests, outside of George Bernard Shaw are Kierkegaard and Goethe. Non-academic interests include computers, photography, and having IRLs with people from the Internet.
Last modified 2000