Antoine Capet Montgomery

Antoine Capet, FRHistS, was Head of British Studies at the University of Rouen until 2014. After submitting his Doctorat d'État on the British governing classes and social reform, 1931-1951 (published 1991), he continued to concentrate his research on Art and Politics in Britain in the Second World War, notably on the representation of war by Official Artists. Concurrently, he taught courses on William Morris from the angle of Art and Socialism.

Professor Capet wrote many reviews of exhibitions (including their catalogues) of British art for H-Museum, La tribune de l'art / The Art Tribune, the US-based association of university teachers and scholars Historians of British Art and the e-journal of Anglophone Studies launched by his own research group, Cercles. A wide selection of these reviews can now be found on the Victorian Web.

Professor Capet was General Editor of the Revue française de civilisation britannique (Presses de la Sorbonne nouvelle) from 2003 to 2006. He was Editor of the "Britain since 1914" section of the Royal Historical Society Bibliography from 2001 and sat on the International Board of Twentieth Century British History (Oxford University Press). His most recent book was Montgomery: L'Artiste des Batailles (Libraire Académique Perrin, 2014).

Last modified 28 October 2014