University College, London, versus King's. From F.J. C. Hearnshaw's The Centenary History of King's College London, 1828-1928 (London: Harrap, 1929), p. 42. With the permission of King's College, London. Scan, text, and permission obtained by Jacqueline Banerjee.
An amusing cartoon of the time shows the supporters of each college on a seesawing plank, laying into each other with gusto. Brougham, to the fore of the Dissenters, wields a broomstick, while the very elderly Jeremy Bentham, his dressing gown flying, dispatches a hail of books at the enemy from the rear. On the other side, the Archbishop of Canterbury brandishes his crosier, the Rev. Dr. George d'Oyly hangs on tight, and one of the plump bishops behind him yells, "KINGS COL FOR EVER HUZZA" (qtd. in Hearnshaw 42). The slender ballast of Sense and Science on Brougham's side is quite outweighed by the fat sack of Money and Interest on the other side, at which the Devil himself leers gleefully. At any moment the already hefty prelates might dip into the fires of hell below them, in which case, ironically enough, their skinny "godless" rivals would be catapulted up into heaven (though one man has already fallen off). Feelings ran high in those first years.
Last modified 6 February 2007