Decorated initial V

ictorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States (VISAWUS) will hold our annual conference at St. Louis University on Gateways. Paper topics may include, but are not limited to:

Please submit abstracts of no more than 200 words along with a one-page CV to by March 1, 2025. Panel proposals are also welcome and should include a brief panel overview, descriptions of individual papers, and one-page CVs for each panelist.

About the location: Saint Louis University is a Catholic, Jesuit institution in mid-town Saint Louis, founded in 1818. The campus and surrounding neighbourhood abound with buildings dating from the late 19th and 20th centuries. Saint Louis University is also close to the St/ Louis Art Museum, the Missouri History Museum, the St. Louis Botanical Gardens, and many beautifully preserved Victorian House Museums, including the Samuel Cupples House on campus as wella s the Campbell House Museum and Chatillon-Demenil Mansion nearby

Created 14 January 2025