The Ragged Girl
Wood engraving
The Girl's Birthday Book, p. 213.
©The British Library. All Rights Reserved (shelf mark, 12804.d.19)
"The church of St. Barnabas rose stately and picturesque in the midst of a crowd of mean, dirty by-streets, narrow alleys, and back-yards, where, when Aminta Nugent and her highly respectable friends came out from their handsome house, in all their rich attire, to attend divine service, bearing in their hands their service books bound in gold and velvet, their eyes and ears were offended by ill-looking people, and ragged boys and girls, lounging about, even on the very steps of the sacred edifice, and in the unswept, disagreeable thoroughfares adjoining...."
Scanned image and Text byJacqueline Banerjee