Victorian Women and Religion

Thanks to Elizabeth M. Tollers, Assistant Director of Admissions, University of Rochester, for reporting a broken link.


Carpenter, Mary. George Eliot and the Landscape of Time: Narrative Form and Protestant Apocalyptic History. Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina Press, 1986.

Hindmarsh, D. Bruce. The Evangelical Conversion Narrative: Spiritual Autobiography in Early Modern England. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.

Krueger, Christine L. The Reader's Repentance: Women Preachers, Women Writers, and Nineteenth-Century Social Discourse. Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, 1992. [Review]

Peterson, Linda H. "Restoring the Book: The Typological Hermeneutics of Christina Rossetti and the PRB." Victorian Poetry 32 (1994): 209-32.

Peterson, Linda H. Victorian Autobiography: The Tradition of Self-Interpretation. New Haven: Yale UP, 1986. Especially 120-55.

Last modified 13 June 2021