Apéndice I de Swinburne's Medievalism: A Study in Victorian Love Poetry del mismo autor, publicado por Louisiana State University Press en 1979. Aparece en la Victorian web con el amable permiso del autor, quien indudablemente posee el copyright.
Las fechas de composición se toman de Lafourcade, Jeunesse, II; Bonchurch, XX (bibliografía de Wise), 588-92; Life de Gosse (Bonchurch, XIX); o provienen de testimonios epistolares.
1857 | "King Ban" |
1857- 58 | Queen Yseult "The Leper" (earlier, "The White Hind") "Southwards" |
1858 | "Lancelot" "The Death of Rudel" The Albigenses (lost) "A Lay of Lilies" |
1858-59 | "Second Love" "The Dream by the River" |
1858-62 | Rosamond "The Two Dreams" "The Sea-Swallows" "A Christmas Carol" "After Death" "MayJanet" |
1859 | The Queen's Tragedy "Joyeuse Garde" |
1859-61 | Border Ballads Ballads by a Borderer Chastelard |
1859-62 | "Dead Love" "Triameron" "The Portrait" "The Marriage of the Monna Lisa" Chronicle of Queen Fredeyond |
1860 | "St. Dorothy" Balliol essays (see Appendix II) "April: (from the French of the Vidame de Chartres, 12-?)" "August" "Madonna Mia" "The Bloody Son" "The King's Daughter" "In the Orchard" |
1861-63 | Villonaries |
1862 | "Lord Soulis" "Lord Scales" "The Two Knights" "The Complaint of Lisa" "The Masque of Queen Bersabe" "Laus Veneris" "A Ballad of Burdens" |
1869-82 | Tristram of Lyonesse "The Weary Wedding" |
1885 | Marino Faliero |
1895-96 | The Tale of Balen |

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traducido el 9� de marzo de 2011