Cómo la ballena se la garganta

Cómo la ballena se la garganta por Rudyard Kipling para "How the Whale got his Throat" en Cuentos de así fue (Just So Stories) p. 17. 1926. 8,9 x 7,9 cm. La imagen escaneada, texto, y traducción por George P.Landow [Esta imagen se puede usar sin autorización previa para cualquier propósito académico o educativo, siempre y cuando mencione (1) el nombre del fotógrafo y (2) enlace el documento a esta dirección URL].

Comentario de Kipling

THIS is the picture of the Djinn making the beginnings of the Magic that brought the Humph to the Camel. First he drew a line in the air with his finger, and it became solid; and then he made a cloud, and then he made an egg -- you can see them at the bottom of the picture -- and then there was a magic pumpkin that turned into a big white flame. Then the Djinn took his magic fan and fanned that flame till the flame turned into a Magic by itself. It was a good Magic and a very kind Magic really, though it had to give the Camel a Humph because the Camel was lazy. The Djinn in charge of All Deserts was one of the nicest of the Djinns, so he would never do anything really unkind. [p. 16]


Kipling, Rudyard. Just So Stories for Little Children. Illustrated by the Author. London: Macmillan, 1926.

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Modificado por última vez 19 de febrero de 2005