Appearances in the poem
- Section 12: “as a dove when up she springs”
- Section 33: “for want of such a type”
- Section 55: “So careful of the type she seems”
- Section 56: “'So careful of the type?' . . . `A thousand types are gone: ... "”
- Section 103: “then flew in a dove”
- Section 118: “If so he type this work of time”
- Section 131: “Rise in the spiritual rock”
- Epilogue: “the man ... was a noble type Appearing ere the times were ripe”
Related Materials
- Biblical Typology, or Types and Shadows of Christ — an Introduction
- In Memoriam's Biblical Symbolism
- Interpreting Biblical Imagery and the Apocalyptic Moment in Tennyson's In Memoriam and Eliot's The Wasteland
Last modified 30 November 2004