- Section 1: “reach a hand through time to catch”
- Section 3: “A hollow form with empty hands”
- Section 7: “waiting for a hand, A hand that can be clasp'd no more”
- Section 10: “[Thou bring'st] letters unto trembling hands”
- Section 13: “where warm hands have prest and closed”
- Section 14: “Should strike a sudden hand in mine”
- Section 18: “Come then, pure hands, and bear the head”
- Section 30: “in a circle hand-in-hand Sat silent”
- Section 33: “Her hands are quicker unto good”
- Section 36: “With human hands the creed of creeds”
- Section 40: “But thou and I have shaken hands”
- Section 55: “I stretch lame hands of faith”
- Section 64: “reaps the labor of his hands”
- Section 66: “winds their curls about his hand”
- Section 69: “He reached the glory of a hand”
- Section 70: “A hand that points”
- Section 72: “When the dark hand struck down through time”
- Section 75: “Whate'er thy hands are set to do”
- Section 84: “He that died in Holy Land . . . reach us out the . . . hand”
- Section 85: “How much of act at human hands”
- Section 85: “I, clasping brother-hands”
- Section 87: “noise Of songs, and clapping hands”
- Section 90: “Behold their brides in other hands”
- Section 106: “The larger heart, the kindlier hand”
- Section 114: “A higher hand must make her mild”
- Section 119: “I take the pressure of thine hand”
- Section 124: “the hands That reach through nature”
- Section 129: “Sweet human hand and lips and eye”
- Epilogue: “With him to whom her hand I gave”
- Epilogue: “in their hand Is Nature like an open book”
Last modified 20 February 2010