1802        Born at Norwich

1818        school in Bristol with aunt; deafness appears

1821        Publishes "Female Writers of Practical Divinity" in Monthly Repository

1829        Family suffers severe financial loses

1832        Begins monthly Illustrations of Political Economy; becomes famous

1832        Moves to London

1832        Travels in America (until 1834)

1837        Publishes Society in America

1838        Publishes Retrospect of Western Travel and How to Observe Morals and Manners

1839         Publishes Guide to Service and novel Deerbrook

1839        Travels to Venice, becomes ill, recuperates (1839-1844)

1841        Publishes The Hour and the Man

1844        Publishes Life in the Sick-Room; writes on Mesmerism

1844        Buys land and builds house in the Lake Country

1846        Travels in Eygpt and Palestine

1848        Publishes Eastern Life, Present and Past

1849         (-1850) Publishes A History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace

1851        Translates Comte's Positive Philosophy

1851        Publishes with H. Atkinson, Letters on the Laws of Man's Nature and Development

1852        Publishes Letters from Ireland, first work for the Daily News, writes editorials until 1869

1855         Becomes ill, writes Autobiography

1866        Signs parliamentary petition on women's suffrage

1869        (-1871) Campaigns against Contagious Diseases Acts, a leading feminist cause

1876        Dies at home in Ambleside, Lake District

Incorporated in the Victorian Web July 2000