Macaulay's wealth of information was almost incredible, and in all his writings, in his speeches, in his conversations, he poured it forth so lavishly, and yet so crefully, that reader and hearer scarcely knew what to admire most — the extent of his knowledge, or the felicity with which he brought it to bear on the matter in hand. ["The Late Lord Macaulay,Times, 31 December 1859]

Biographical Material
Works and Contents — Sitemaps
- Writings
- Theme and subject
- Sources, Influences, Confluences, Critical Reception, Critical Reputation
- Genre, mode, and style
Themes and Contexts — Sitemaps
Macaulay and the Visual Arts
- Victorian Artists who painted subjects set in ancient Rome — sitemap
- Thomas Woolner's portrait statue of Macaulay
Last modified 14 July 2018