Note 25, Chapter 2 of the author's Christina Rossetti in Context which the University of North Carolina Press published in 1988. It appears in the Victorian web with the kind permission of the author, who of course retains copyright.

The most illuminating commentary on Dante Gabriel Rossetti's adaptation of Christian symbolism is McGann's "Rossetti's Significant Details," reprinted in Sambrook, 230-42. On the Ruskinian influence on Pre-Raphaelitism, see Sussman, "The Brotherhood Aesthetic" (Fact, 33-46)..

[Note by the web editor: Other studies (available in the Victorian Web) include the chapter on Rossetti's use of typology in Victorian Types, Victorian Shadows, the introduction to the Hunt-Ruskin correspondence, and the chapter on Ruskin's influence on Hunt and other Pre-Raphaelites in Replete with Meaning.]

Last modified 24 June 2007