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he Wilkie Collins Society Journal (peer reviewed), now renamed the Wilkie Collins Journal, is available at online at on the ‘Journal’ tab. Both the original 1981-1991 and the New Series from 1998-2007 have both now been digitised and indexed. They are available free but to download or search you need a password which is KirkBeetz81. It is an amazing resource I digitised it and read a lot of it then.

The current series called Wilkie Collins Journal (peer-reviewed) is also available there and is free except for the latest issue which requires you to log in. Those details are given when you join the Society £16 for UK and Europe and £28 elsewhere. There is also a back catalogue of publications some of which are also online.

Second, The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins ISBN: 978-1-57085-269-5 is online containing more than 3000 letters fully annotated. Published by Intelex Corporation, Charlottesville Virginia it is not free but the academic subscription is not that expensive and lasts as I recall for life. It consists of the four vols of The Public Face: The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins, Pickering & Chatto, London 2005 and 11 appendices (12-13 can be bought from the Wilkie Collins Society). I am one of the editors and forgive me saying so but it is a great resource.

Last modified 28 September 2021