Despite the fact that Jane Eyre reles upon the moral growth and maturation of both Jane and Rochester, the point of view remains that of Jane alone, and evertything is told solely from her point of view, so, as R. B. Martin explains,

one sees all the action and characters through her eyes. . . Even when she is the apparently passive recipient of information from other characters, we never forget what Jane is feeling. When, for example, Rochester is telling her of his trio of Continental mistresses, we are less absorbed with his narration and his own feelings of remorse than we are with Jane's reactions to the necessary finitude of relationships based on passion alone. To put the matter another way, the narrative of the mistresses is really important at this point only so far as it relates to Jane, and we feel no shock that she takes it as an object lesson to herself, when, instead of worrying about Rochester's excesses, she says to his protestation of remorse over past dissipation: 'I felt the truth of these words; and I drew from them the certain inference, that if I were so far to forget myself and all the teaching that had ever been instilled into me, as under any pretext — with any justification — through any temptation — to become the successor of these poor girls, he would one day regard me with the same feeling which now in his mind desecrated their memory.'" [p. 59]

What other instances can you find of Jane's point of view?

Other comments on Jane Eyre by R. B. Martin


Martin, Robert B. Charlotte Bronte's Novels: The Accents of Persuasion. NY: Norton, 1966.