Scenes from the Old and New Testaments (details). Left: Top part of the central light. Right: The Sower, illustrating the Parable of the Sower (Luke VII, 5-8).
Details of the window by Stephen Adam (1848-1910). West window, 1877, in Belhaven United Presbyterian Church, now St. Luke’s Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Glasgow. Whole window and lower panels of each light. One of the angels shown above is playing a small harp, and the other has cymbals; above them is the text "And on Earth Peace," from the words of the angels to the shepherds at the Nativity, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke II, 14)."
The Sower, from the parable in Luke VIII, is shown as a sturdy labourer, who sets out at sunrise as the daisies open and the birds start to fly. He is scattering his seed vigorously — some of which, as in the parable, will land on among the rocks and thorns shown here at the wayside, instead of on the "good ground." [Click on these images, and the ones below, to enlarge them.]

Left: Floral panel. Right: Inscription below the Sower.
The window is meant to be read upwards, from bottom to top, to carry the eye (and the heart) upwards through the teachings of the Bible to the heavens above — a visual aid in the days before more highly developed technological aids were available.

Galbraith, Iain B. “Always happy in his designs: the legacy of Stephen Adam.” Victorian Web.
Last modified 7 July 2016