Biographical Material

- Search After God: -- "From towering eagle to the wren" by Thomas Heywood
- "Decay of Earthly Pomp" by Phineas Fletcher
- "Chirping their solemn matins on each tree" from "The Bird" by Henry Vaughan
- The birds that dance from bough to bough" from "The Garden" by Abraham Cowley
- "When pain'd with hunger, the wild raven's brood" from "God's Argument with Job" by Edward Young
- "The Truant Hour" by Henry Alford
- "Wisdom Unapplied" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- Caprimulgus Vexillarius (The Pennant-Winged Nightjar)
- The White-Tailed Deer (cervus leucorous)
- The Greenland Falcon (Falco greenlandicus)
Created 4 April 2013
Last modified 4 October 2023