Biography and Introduction
- Attribution page for The Sermon on the Mount
- ‘Judge Not’ for The Sermon on the Mount
- Title-page for Byron’s The Prisoner of Chillon
- ‘And then new tears’ from The Prisoner of Chillon
- ‘I called and thought I heard a sound’ from The Prisoner of Chillon
- ‘In the meantime’ from Florence Lacomb’s Indian Fables
- ‘The hunter’ from Florence Lacomb’s Indian Fables
- ‘The Purification Snowdrop’ from Emily Cuyler’s The Church’s Floral Kalandar
- ‘Mezereon’ from Emily Cuyler’s The The Church’s Floral Kalandar
- Fragments of Charles the Bold’s Bible, Plate I from Matthew Digby Wyatt’s The History, Theory, and Practice of Illuminating
Created 25 August 2020