Location | Artist | Text Illustrated |
frontispiece (ref. p. 324) | unclear but [may be ascribed to] du Maurier | "Let his tears have their way. "Wait." |
opposite p. 26 | [signed] "CSR" | "Grace threw her arms round the nurse." |
opposite p. 113 | [signed] "CSR" | "Tell me, one of you!' he cried. O What name did she give?" |
opposite p. 188 | [signed] "CSR" | "She began to roll the wool off his hand into a ball." |
opposite p. 254 | [signed] "CSR" | "She put her jewels back in the casket, and dressed herself in the plain black gown." |
opposite p. 263 | [signed] "CSR" | "A man was obscurely visible, seated on the sofa." |
opposite p. 364 | apparently unsigned | "Lady Janet! Lady Janet! don't leave me without a word!." |
orrest Reid mentions George Du Maurier's collaborating with C. S. Reinhart on illustrations for the volume edition of Wilkie Collins's The New Magdalen, which presumably appeared after the novel's unillustrated serial run from October 1872 through July 1873 in Temple Bar, the monthly London magazine:
The other Collins novels to which he contributed [are] Moonstone, with F. A. Fraser; The New Magdalen, with C. S. Reinhart, and The Frozen Deep, with J. Mahoney. [pp. 185-6]
J. Don Vann unfortunately does not mention whether the serialised novels he discusses were illustrated, let alone who the illustrators were.
I am threfore particularly indebted to Mr. Paul Lewis of the Wilkie Collins Society (paul@paullewis.co.uk) for sharing his research into Reinhart's work on Collins's The New Magdalen . According to him, Reinhart did not illustrate any other of the Piccadilly Novels in his collection. The illustrations did change from the early 1875 editions to the later ones used one of Reinhart's illustrations in a coloured version on the cover of the 'Yellowback' cheap railway editions of The New Magdalen copy was published in 1882. And, even more interesting, Reinhart's illustrations were also used in the Harper & Brothers edition of The New Magdalen published in the USA in 1873 publication of the illustrations.
The first two-volume book edition of The New Magdalen was unillustrated, as was the first one volume edition of 1874. The first illustrated edition of The New Magdalen was published by Chatto and Windus in 1875, and continued in print to around 1925. Andrew Chatto bought Collins's available copyrights in November, 1874, and issued the novels in 2/= and 6/= editions over the next year. The latter Piccadilly Novels were large, books with attractive green, black and gilt covers and were illustrated. The title page of The New Magdalen says, "With illustrations by George du Maurier and C.S. Reinhart."
Reinhart did five, possibly six of the illustrations with du Maurier doing only the frontispiece. One illustration is unsigned, but looks like the other Reinhart's. In his plates for the American edition of The New Magdalen in 1873 C. S. Reinhart was consciously emulating Du Maurier's style and following the realistic, albeit two-dimensional, somewhat theatrical model that Du Maurier establishes in the cover plate.
Houfe, Simon. The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Book Illustrators and Caricaturists. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Antique Collectors' Club, 1978, rev. 1996.
Lewis, Paul. "To Philip Allingham." Unpublished e-mail correspondence, 28 August and 29 August, 1999. paul@paullewis.co.uk. http://www.paullewis.co.uk
Ormond, Leone. George Du Maurier. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1969.
Reid, Forrest. Illustrators of the Eighteen-Sixties. 1928. New York: Dover, 1975 rpt.
Vann, J. Don. Victorian Novels in Serial. New York: Modern Language Association, 1985.

Last modified 20 January 2001