Discussions of Caricature
- The Caricature Tradition and Victorian Illustration, 1830-1900
- Caricature — the Art of Descending from the Sublime to the Ridiculous (Grant Wright)
- Caricature, Cartoon, and Editorial Cartoon — Some Definitions
- “You Dirty Boy”: A Rare Victorian Political Cartoon
Dalziel, George, and Edward Dalziel. The Brothers Dalziel: A Record of Fifty Years Work in Conjunction with Many of the Most Distinguished Artists of the Period 1840–1890. Methuen and Co., 1901.
Du Maurier, George. “The Illustrating of Books from the Serious Artist’s Point of View.” Magazine of Art. (Aug.–Sept. 1890): 1: 349–53 [text in the Victorian Web; 2: 371–75.
Golden, Catherine J. Serials to Graphic Novels: The Evolution of the Victorian Illustrated Book. University Press of Florida, 2017.
Gombrich, E. H., and E. Kris. Caricature. Penguin Books Ltd., 1940.
Hill, Jonathan E. “Cruikshank, Ainsworth, and Tableau Illustration.” Victorian Studies 23.4 (Summer 1980): 429–59.
Jackson, Arlene M. Illustration and the Novels of Thomas Hardy. Rowman and Littlefield, 1981.
Pennell, Joseph. Modern Illustration. Bell, 1895.
White, Gleeson. nglish Illustration, ‘The Sixties’: 1855–70 (1897). Kingsmead Reprints, 1970.
Wright, Grant. The Art of Caricature. New York: Baker & Taylor, 1904. Internet Archive online version of a copy in the Getty Research Institute. 19 June 2019.

Last modified 1 September 2020