Micomosaic brooch with Hand of God designed (?) and manufacured by Castellani and Sons, Rome. Gold and glass tesserae. 1 3/16 inches. Private collection.
I would like to thank Susan Weber Soros, Director of the Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture, which holds copyright on this image, and the owners of the original object, for sharing this image with the Victorian Web.
Related Materials — Other Micromosaics and Medieval Subjects
- Necklace with the head of Christ on Veronica's Veil
- Micromosiac pendant with Christ
- Brooch with micromosiac griffin in the early medieval stryle
Soros, Susan Weber, and Stefanie Walker. The Castellani and Italian Archeological Jewelry. New Haven: Yale UP, 2004. Cat no. 130.
Last modified 11 February 2005