Buildings that Reveal Ruskin's influence, whether or not he would have approved of them
- Early Techno-Gothic: The Oxford University Natural History Museum, 1855
- Southbank House, formerly one of the Doulton Pottery Buildings, Lambeth
- Roadside cottage in Trumpington, Cambridgeshire, 1865
Related Material
- Charles L. Eastlake on Ruskininism in Architecture (1872)
- The Gothic Revival in British Architecture

Blau, Eve. Ruskinian Gothic. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1982.
Brooks, Michael W. John Ruskin and Victorian Architecture. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1987; London: Thames and Hudson, 1989.
Curran, C. P. "Benjamin Woodward, Ruskin and the O'Sheas." Studies 29 (1940): 25-68.
Gallego, Matthew E. "Ruskin on the Rio Grande."
Garrigan, Kristine O. Ruskin on Architecture: His Thought and Influence. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1973.
Herford, C. H. "Ruskin and the Gothic Revival." Quarterly Review 207 (1907): 77-96.
Hersey, George L. High Victorian Gothic: A Study in Associationism. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1972.
Sawyer, Paul. "The Meaning of Architecture" (a chapter from Ruskin's Poetic Argument: The Design of the Major Works. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1985.)
Last modified 23 December 2013