Between the decline of Palladianism and the rise of the Modern Movement, classical architecture in England went through at least eight phases:
- Roman
- Greek
- Graeco-Roman
- Italianate
- Baroque
- Mannerist
- Beaux Arts and
- Neo-Georgian
The first three — Roman, Greek, and Graeco-Roman — are late Georgian and Regency; the fourth — Italianate — is early and mid-Victorian; and the last four — Baroque, Mannerist, Beaux Arts and Neo-Georgian are late Victorian and Edwardian.
These phases run parallel to the various stages of the Gothic Revival. Broadly speaking, we call the first three Neo-Classical, and the other five Neo-Renaissance" (Crook, 193).
Crook, J. Mordaunt. The Dilemma of Style: Architectural Ideas from the Picturesque to the Post-Modern. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.
Entered the Victorian Web 16 July 2001; last modified 27 May 2015