Memorial for Robert Falcon Scott and his companions by S. Nicholson Babb. Bronze. The Crypt, St. Paul's Cathedral, London. The Maritime Memorials site attributes the bas relief to Babb. [Click on these images and those below to enlarge them.]

Victory holding wreathes flanked” by two allegorical figures. The inscription reads as follows:

In Memory of
Capt. Robert Falcon Scott C.V.O. R.N.
Dr. Edward Adrian Wilson
Capt Lawrence Edward Grace Oates
Lieut Henry Robertson Bowers
and Petty Officer Edgar Evans
who died on their return journey from the South Pole
in February and March 1912
Inflexible of Purpose, Steadfast in Courage, Resolute in Endurance
in the face of unparalleled Misfortune[.] Their Bodies are lost in
the Antarctic Ice but the memory of their Deeds is an Everlasting Monument

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Photographs, formatting, and text by George P. Landow. You may use this image without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the photographer and (2) link your document to this URL in a web document or cite the Victorian Web in a print one.]


Memorial: M982.” Maritime Memorials: Commemorating Seafarers and Victimes of Maritime Disasters Web. 26 September 2011.

Content last modified 26 September 2011