Griffins by Houghton of Great Portland Street. Location: 193 Fleet Street, originally the shop of pawnbroker and jeweler, George Attenborough & Sons, at the west corner of the junction with Chancery Lane. London, WC2.

Industry and Commerce by Houghton of Great Portland Street. The figure on the left holds a spindle and wool in her hands and looks to the center past a beehive. A spinning wheel is visible behind her knee. The on the right holds a caduceus, symbol of commerce, in the crook of one arm while the other touches a tray or table with several small spherical objects, which could be fruit or balls of wool.
Rondels with portraits of great artists

Left to right: (a) Josiah Wedgwood. (b) Guido Reni. (c) Donatello Simone. All by Houghton of Great Portland Street. [Click on these images and those below for larger pictures.]

Left to right: (a) Michelangelo. (b) Gian di Bologna. (c) Raffaelle Sanzio. all by Houghton of Great Portland Street.
Photographs and caption by Robert Freidus. Formatting and perspective correction by George P. Landow. You may use this image without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the photographer and (2) link your document to this URL in a web document or cite the Victorian Web in a print one.]
Ward-Jackson, Philip. Public Sculpture of the City of London. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2203.
Last modified 4 March 2024