The materials with dates listed below are Victorian descriptions and histories of Birmingham, its politics, industry, churches and religious establishments, and so on. They have been included to show what people at various periods of the nineteenth century, not modern scholarhship, believed about the city in which they lived and worked. — George P. Landow
Introductory Materials
- The city’s churches, government, commerce, manufacturing, and institutions c. 1850
- Birmingham epitomizes the change from Early to Late Victorian England
Local Government and its Accomplishments
- Local Government and Its Accomplishments, 1851-1894
- Sanitation and the Water Supply in Birmingham
- Birmingham’s Law Courts
- Correcting Abuses in Birmingham’s Prison
- Birmingham Builds a Town Hall — The Council House — at Long Last
Manufacturing and Trade
- Birmingham and the Railway Movement (1894)
- From a Pin to a Steam engine: Prosser’s History of Birmingham Industrial Patents
- Three Highlights of Birmingham’s Manufacturing: Pen Nibs, Electroplating, and Stained Glass
Religion in Birmingham and Its Churches
- Church and Dissent in Birmingham, 1826-1850 (1894)
- Church and Dissent, 1851-1893 (1894)
- Chalk on the Streets: Non-Violent Anti-Catholic Agitation in Birmingham
Birmingham's Public Institutions
- Hospitals and Other Charitable Institutions, 1826-1850 (1894)
- Educational, Literary, and Scientific Institutions of the Second Quarter of the Nineteenth Century (1894)
Modern Photographs of Birmingham’s Art and Architecture
Handbook of Birmingham Prepared for Members of the British Association. Birmingham: Hall and English, 1886.
Hopkins, E. Birmingham: The First Manufacturing Town in the World, 1760–1840. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989
Hutton, W. An History of Birmingham. Birmingham: William Hutton, 1783.
Jones, P. M. Industrial Enlightenment: Science, technology culture in Birmingham and the West Midlands 1760-1820. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013.
Lerwill J. (ed). Willey's History and Guide to Birmingham (1868): Birmingham History Forum, 2020. Mokyr
Mokyr, J. The Enlightened Economy: Britain and the Industrial Revolution, 1700-1850 London: Penguin Books, 2009.
White, Francis, & Co. History and Directory of Birmingham for 1849.. Sheffield: JK. Blurton, 1849.
Last modified 11 October 2022