Night. — Tracing the Vessel's Progress by Skinner Prout. The Illustrated London News. 1849. 17.9 by 23.9 cm. Scanned image, bibliographical information, and text by Philip V. Allingham. You may use this image without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the person who scanned the image and (2) link to this URL or include it in a print document.]
Related Material from Illustrated London News on Australian Emigration
- Tea Water!
- Soup Time
- Dinner in the Forecastle
- Emigrants on Deck
- Settler's Hut in Australia
- Wreck of the Floridian, Emigrant Ship, on the Long Sands, off Harwich
- Skinner Prout's "Scenes on Board an Australian Emigrant Ship”
Prout, Skinner. "Scenes on Board an Australian Emigrant Ship" and "Australian Hut" [six images plus accompanying excerpts from his journal]. The Illustrated London News. 20 January and 17 March 1849. Pp. 39-41 and 184.
Last modified 6 July 2010