Manchester Regatta — from a Sketch by Mr. Hayes. 1844. Illustrated London News. Scanned image and text by Philip V. Allingham.
The annual meeting of the Manchester and Salford Regatta Club (being the third regatta held on the river Irwell, near this town) took place on Monday and Tuesday, the 19th and 20th of August, under distinguished patronage, including Lords Skelmersdale and de Tabley, and Lord Francis Egerton, M.P.; Sir Benjamin Heywood, William Entwisle, Esq., M. P., the Mayor of Manchester, and a number of gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood. The president of the club this year is James Heywood, Esq., F. R. S.; the stewards, Messrs. Gale and Rymer; and the appointed judge, Elias Chadwick, Esq., of Swinton Hall, in whose absence, we believe, Mr. Chew acted as adjudicator.
This meeting excited great interest, and there was a numerous collection of booths for refreshments in the neighbourhood of the Grand Stand, and in other fields nearer the town. On Monday the morning was delightfully fine, and the concourse of people on both sides of the river was very large. Towards noon, however, the clouds lowered, and a small drizzling rain fell, with but few intervals, during the remainder of the day. The fine military band of the 5th Dragoon Guards attended, by permission of the Hon. Colonel J. Yorke Scarlett, and performed a variety of music in the first style of excellence.
The sports of this day consisted of four races — the Stanhill Hall Stakes, for four-oar pleasure-boats, value £10, won by Mr. Jones's Fearless; the Ordsall Stakes, for two-oar boats, won by Mr. Beardsall's Mystery; and the Swinton Hall Cup, value £16, won by Mr. Walker's Sons of the Dee, a Chester boat, by half a length — the Britannia, a Manchester boat, with a young crew struggled manfully for the Cup, and the honour of the town. The Irwell Stakes of £12, won by Mystery — Forester second.
On Tuesday the weather was exceedingly fine, and the company very fashionable. The races were well contested. The Plate, value £20, was won by a Chester boat, the 'Echo.' The sports terminated, at a late hour, with a very brilliant display of fireworks. The meeting this year has given great satisfaction; and though the principal prizes have been carried off by boats from Chester, &c., it is no discredit to the members the club, who have had to strive against the picked men of Chester and Warrington. — "Manchester Regatta."
Illustrated London News. (24 August 1844): 396.
Last modified 12 October 2006