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Trinity College Library
The Graphic (17 August 1878): 181.
Source: Hathi Digital Library Trust web version of a copy in the University of Minnesota library.
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Three picturesque structures, the Dining Hall, the Examination Hall, and the Chapel (the two last being in the Corinthian style) occupy positions in the Campanile Square, and here also is the Library, supported by a long Italian piazza. The work of stocking this institution with books was undertaken at the time when the Bodleian was being furnished, and as it is one of the libraries to which a copy of every volume published in the United Kingdom is sent, the collection is of the highest value. Probably the rarest curiosities are a gigantic map of Ireland, containing 1,500 sheets, and which is admitted to be one of the greatest geographical achievements in the world; the Book of Kells, beautifully illuminated by Irish monks of the earliest times; the Book of Armagh; the complete library of Baron Fagel, which was purchased by the University for 8000l.; Dugdale’s “History of the Churches and Abbeys of England" (an entire volume in this series is devoted to St. Paul’s Cathedral), and the “Antiquities of Mexico,” a work which cost the editor, Lord Kingsborough, 30,000l. to prepare. The galleries of the library are adorned with busts of the celebrities of the College. The Chapel and the Examination Hall contain portraits by old and modern masters of the same worthies, as well as of the illustrious foundress, and several of the chancellors.
“Dublin Illustrated.” The Graphic (17 August 1878): 169-81. Internet Archive online version of a copy in the University of Illinois Library. Web. 14 August 2018.
Last modified 14 August 2018