In the Gulf of Venice, Italy by Clarkson Stanfield. Exhibited at the Royal Academy 1848. Oil on canvas, 71 x 102 cm. Collection: Guildhall Art Gallery, London (no. 730). Bequeathed by Charles Gassiot, 1902. Reproduced courtesy of the City of London Corporation. [Click on image to enlarge it.]
Pieter van der Merwe comments, “The paintingis well preserved and the darker areas are consequently clear and rich — qualities so often lost in Stanfield’s work. Inspite of the contrived composition with its picturesque accessories and points of light, the picture is is among Stanfield’s more successful views of foreign landscape in calm weather” (132-33).
van der Merwe, Pieter. Clarkson Stanfield, 1793-1867. Exhibition catalogue. Tyne and Wear County Council Museums, 1979. No. 222.
Created 13 February 2015