Man Hearkens to the Voice of Conscience
Frederic Shields
Vestibule, Chapel of the Ascension
Bayswater Road, not far from the Marble Arch, fronting Hyde Park
Source: Fifty Years of Work
Hearkening to the whisper of Conscience in the pale delinquent's ear, man turns from his descent, and laying bare his breast, suffers her to lay her finger on his heart, the foul source of his corruption.
Her still, small voice urges the vital question, "What shall it profit a man, though he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ? " This is suggested by the balance, wherein the butterfly, encircled by the emblem of immortality, outweighs the regal possession of the world. The storm is clearing away, and heaven opens in peace above. [87-88].
Formatting and text by George P. Landow.