Cockcrow by William Bell Scott, 1811-90. Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1856,. 24 x 30 1/2 inches, 22 x 28 inches (arched top). Courtesy of the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island.

The painting illustrates the following stanza in "A Fairy Tale" by the Rev. Thomas Parnell (1679-1718):
Here ended all the Phantome-play;
They smelt the fresh Approach of Day,
And heard a Cock to crow;
The whirling Wind that bore the Crowd
Has clap'd the Door, and whistled loud,
To warn them all to go.
Parnell, Rev. Thomas. "A Fairy-Tale in the Ancient English Style." English Poetry 1579-1830: Spencer and the Tradition. Web. 9 January 2018.
Victorian Illustration and Design, 1850-1930. Providence: Rhode Island School of Design, 1979. Catalogue no. 201.
Last modified 9 January 2018