View of Naples by (Ann) Mary Newton (née Severn), 1832–1866. Not dated, but probably from the early 1860s. Watercolour and gouache on paper. Size: Support, 350 × 497 mm. Collection: Tate, purchased as part of the Oppé Collection with assistance from the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund 1996. Ref. T09845. Kindly released by the Tate on the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported) licence.

Here, the rich colours, the contrast of light and shade, and especially the juxtaposition of the old stone walls and the horizontal line of the bay with the distant range of hills on the farther shore, are all skilfully managed, and very evocative of the Bay of Naples. — Jacqueline Banerjee
Created 10 January 2020