John Sell Cotman, by Horatio Beevor Love, pencil and wash, 1830. Courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery, London (NPG 1372).
Nothing is sadder than the story of his ever-renewed hopes of recognition and success, continually clouded ; nothing is finer than the indefatigable effort with which he fought against fortune, in spite of inward weariness often neighbouring on despair in a nature thrice more susceptible to anxiety from the depth and tenderness of its affections. Had he failed, had he gone under, there would have been far more sentiment expended over him. But he needs no man's pity. Hampered and beset as he was, he accomplished a body of work of marvellous excellence and variety. Had his scope matched his genius, his name would stand even higher than it will. — Binyon 49
Binyon, Laurence. John Crome and John Sell Cotman. London: Seeley & Co./New York: Macmillan, 1897. Internet Archive. Contributed by the University of Michigan. Web. 3 March 2022.
Rajnai, Miklos, ed. John Sell Cotman, 1782-1842. London: Herbert Press, 1982.
Created 3 March 2022