Unless otherwise indicated the works in this category are in gouache, which in Burne-Jones's case can include watercolor, gold-leaf, pencil, and so on.

Works illustrated on this site
- Study for The Garden Court, which is part of the Briarose series.
- The Days of Creation, 1870-6. (Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University)
- Nativity Triptych, 1862-63
- Venus Epithalamia, 1871 (Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University)
- Belle et Blonde et Colorée
- Flodden Field, Gouache and gold paint on paper
- Portrait of Lady Lewis
- Zephyr and Psyche
- The Star of Bethlehem, c. 1890, and the design for The Adoration of the Magi, 1882
- Study for the Garden Court, before 1872
- Two Angels—An Escutcheon Design for the Emblems of the Apostles, c. 1890
- The Wine of Circe, 1863-69
- Zephyrus and Psyche, 1865 (Robert Walker, Paris)
- Green Summer
- The Good Shepherd (Watercolour and ink on paper)
- Green Summer, 1864
Works not illustrated on this site
- The Knight's Farewell, 1858 (pen and ink on vellum)
- Sir Galahad, 1858 (pen and ink on vellum; Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University)
- King's Daughters, c. 1859 (pen and ink on vellum)
- The Blessed Damozel, 1860 (pen and ink on vellum; Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University)
- Clerk Saunders, 1861
- The Madness of Sir Tristram, 1862
- An Idyll, 1862 (Birminham Art Gallery)
- The Annunication, 1862 The Merciful Knight, 1863 (Birmingham Art Gallery)
- The King's Daughter, 1865-66 (Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris)
- The Lament, 1866 (Morris Gallery, Walthamstow)
- St. George and the Dragon, 1868 (Morris Gallery, Walthamstow)
- Portrait of Maria Zambaco, 1870
- Two Angels—An Escutcheon Design for the Emblems of the Apostles, before 1872
- Love among the Ruins, 1870-73
- Sleeping Beauty, 1871 (Manchester City Art Gallery)
- The Garden of the Hesperides, 1870-73
- Days of Creation, 1870-76 (Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University)
- The Sirens, 1875, Pastel
- The Depths of the Sea, 1887 (Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University)

Other Web Resources
- Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, which has a large number of works by Burne-Jones, has created www.preraphaelites.org (or Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource, making their entire PRB collection available.
Last modified 2 August 2023