he Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), a world association of academics and researchers, is organizing A Panel on Neo-Victorian Fiction: Excavating the Bygone in the Modern World, 3-6 January 2016, Athens, Greece as part of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Humanities & Arts in a Global World, 3-6 January 2016, Athens, Greece. Please submit a 300-word abstract before 23 November 2015, by email (atiner@atiner.com), addressed to Dr. George Poulos, Vice-President of Research, ATINER & Emeritus Professor, University of South Africa, South Africa.
Proposals should include the following:
Title of Paper,
First Name, Family name of all co-authors,
Current Position of all co-authors,
Institutional Affiliation (University/Organization) of all co-authors,
Country of all co-authors,
an email address of all co-authors and
at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission.
Decisions will be reached within four weeks of your submission.
Should you wish to participate in the Conference as a chair of a session, evaluate papers which are to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER & Honorary Professor, University of Stirling, UK at the following e-mail address:
Last modified 22 September 2015